Fiberglass Body Modifications 2-DVD Set
5+ hour instructional 2-DVD set shows how you can do anything with fiberglass: lengthen a body, hang a door, build a dash — you name it, you can do it! If you’re building or planning to build any kind of fiberglass bodied hot rod, this is the tool you need. Plus, special bonus video coverage on Fiberglass Top Modifications.
The full description below details how comprehensive and informative this DVD is. Just click on the ADD TO CART button below to get yours.
And don’t forget to continue shopping for the other four DVD sets in the StreetRod 101 library to learn more and get even bigger discounts! SAVE BIGGER THE MORE YOU ORDER: 1 DVD Set $24.99; 2 DVD Sets $23.99 ea.; 3 DVD Sets $22.99 ea.; 4 DVD Sets $21.99 ea.; 5 DVD Sets – BIGGEST SAVINGS $19.99 ea. DISCOUNTS IN CART AT CHECKOUT
CANADA & MEXICO: Flat rates are $17 for one DVD and $23 for 2 to 5 DVDs. OTHER INTERNATIONAL: Flat rates are $23 for one DVD and $36 for 2 to 5 DVDs. Order more and save big on shipping! International shipping is First Class International postal service. Tracking only goes as far as the country of destination. We cannot guarantee international delivery.
In response to many requests for more of Bob Hamilton’s informative StreetRod 101 hot rod “how to” videos, we are proud to announce the second in the successful series is now available — and it’s a big 2-DVD set covering every aspect of street rod and hot rod fiberglass body modifications!
Once you view these incredibly detailed DVDs you’ll truly feel empowered and ready to tackle any fiberglass body modification you might wish to make. Whether you want to lengthen your body, add an opening door, fabricate and install your own custom dash, put in a floorboard, add a smooth firewall or just get rid of the bumps, waves and wiggles on your own fiberglass body now you’ll know how to do it the easy way after watching Bob do it and listening to his thoughtful advice.

It doesn’t make any difference what kind of body you have. The years of knowledge, insights and helpful tips Bob reveals will get you through it with ease. While he uses a ’28 Ford roadster pickup body in this DVD series, you can apply the principles to your T-Bucket, Deuce, Austin, Topolino or whatever: roadster or coupe.
Speaking of coupes, we included a special bonus video on Fiberglass Top Modifications, where Bob takes a fiberglass top made for a roadster and modifies it to fit a roadster pickup and shows how to include a unique latching mechanism that lets the top stand up when open. So, get ready for over 5 hours of fun, fascinating fact-filled instruction in this new 2 DVD set.
If you’re building or planning to build a fiberglass bodied hot rod, this is the tool you need. Even if the only fiberglass you’ve touched before was brushing up against a Corvette fender you’ll confidently complete whatever ‘glassing project you now undertake.
See for Yourself With This Sample Video Clip
Just remember, there are thousands of unfinished fiberglass hot rod and street rod bodies out there you can pick up for a song because the seller didn’t know what to do with it or was afraid to pull down his sleeves and get to work on it! Budget hot rod opportunity is knocking on your door and now you’ll be ready.
To give you an idea of the depth of knowledge you’ll gain from these DVDs, we’ve listed just some of the topics Bob covers. There’s much more, but we want to leave some surprises for you!
- How to extend the roadster pickup cab by 4+ inches
- How to add a third door with hidden hinges
- How to remove a recessed firewall and replace it with flat fiberglass to gain 4 inches more driver room
- The best way to guide your body cuts
- Personal protection: clothing, gloves, respirators
- Choosing a respirator
- Choosing the correct blades for cutting thin fiberglass smoothly
- Preparing cut edges for fiberglass bonding
- How to align body panels for fiberglass bonding
- The best way to fill in large gaps in panels
- How to maintain body contour and follow curve of body
- The two types of fiberglass you’ll use: Choosing fiberglass matte and cloth and when to use each
- The weight of matte that conforms most easily
- Why you shouldn’t use sheet metal screws in aligning body panels
- How to make an economic palette for fiberglass preparation and to add resin into matte and cloth
- Choosing brushes for resin application
- Get the most life from your respirator
- How and where to buy resin and catalyst
- Understanding how to use and adjust amount of catalyst, depending on weather
- Building up layers of fiberglass to suite your particular needs
- The many uses for paint sticks in your fiberglassing
- How to fill holes in the body
- How wax paper and masking tape will be your friends
- Proper technique for saturating matte and cloth with resin
- Lacquer thinner vs acetone for cleanup
- Tip on building your own fiberglass roller to remove air pockets
- Why you shouldn’t work outside in the sun with resin
- Choosing economic, reusable mixing containers
- Working out air bubbles in matte with a brush
- Filling gaps and holes with fiberglass bondo
- Why you shouldn’t use cardboard for your resin palette
- Bending hardware store aluminum to fit body contours
- Techniques to avoid cracking fiberglass when working with body
- How to use angle iron in a vice as a low cost sheet metal brake substitute
- Using pop cans as a source for budget aluminum
- Using a bead roller or just a vice and flat bar if you don’t have one
- How to prep holes for most secure filling and bonding
- How to get the proper “mushroom effect” for best hole filling every time
- Which to use: short or long strand fiberglass bondo
- Mixing bondo and catalyst
- How to correct imperfections at bottom of body (lower valence)
- Cutting body with jigsaw or sawzall
- Fabricating large, flat fiberglass pieces for firewall, etc.
- How to maintain body contours
- Installing your floorboard
- How to properly gap and center your floorboard
- How to lock floorboard into body
- Notching floorboard and firewall for transmission clearance
- How to seal bottom of floorboard to keep out moisture and prevent rot
- How to make transmission, floor and firewall templates the easy way, while allowing room for future transmission access
- How to lift the now heavy body with floorboard attached in a one-man shop
- Installing body references and body mounts
- Fabricating body mounts for attachment to frame
- Why work from the center to outside where the floor is concerned
- Mounting and bracing hanging doors with inner structure and hinges
- Modifying bearclaw latches for upholstery clearance and opening convenience
- Reinforcing fiberglass doors to make them fit better
- How to modify hinges for more adjustment
- Constructing an innovative inner support structure for dash, pedals, doors, etc., including support for windshield posts, steering column, swing pedals, master cylinder, heater, stereo, etc.
- How to beef up flimsy fiberglass doors for better ease of use
- Installing door hinges and what to do if they are too tight or too loose
- How to level and align door hinges
- Installing door bracing
- How to fabricate captured nuts to enable adjustable striker bolts
- How to use interior cowl support cage to also support upholstery panels
- Fabricated windshield post support brackets to be incorporated into overall support bracing
- How to make windshield post fit better to body
- Install a decorative roll bar support
- Build your own hinges
- Make a steering column support and column drop
- Under dash mounts for master cylinder and brake pedal
- How to fabricate a 90 degree bell crank for mastr cylinder actuation to save under-dash space
- How to get proper column shifter clearance when mounting your steering column
- Fabricating a completely custom dash panel
- How to fabricate a dual brake pedal assembly (for use with beginning drivers and those with disabilities)
- How to make a proper ratio brake pedal
- How you can look to junk yards, plumbing shops and other stores for inspiration and hardware in your own fabrication
- Build a small fiberglass mold for a subsidiary dash panel
- and much more!
We’re excited to be able to offer this comprehensive information to the hot rod building world as the second installment in Bob Hamilton’s StreetRod 101 DVD series.
You get it all of this promptly delivered to your mailbox on a high quality, 5+ hour 2 DVD set that you will use regularly and treasure for a lifetime for only $24.99 plus $7 shipping and handling ($17 Canada and Mexico, $23 other international). Just click on the “Add to Cart” button below.
And while you’re at it, you can also add the other volumes in the StreetRod 101 DVD Library, too.
SAVE BIGGER THE MORE YOU ORDER: 1 DVD Set $24.99; 2 DVD Sets $23.99 ea.; 3 DVD Sets $22.99 ea.; 4 DVD Sets $21.99 ea.; 5 DVD Sets – BIGGEST SAVINGS $19.99 ea. DISCOUNTS IN CART AT CHECKOUT
Click on the ADD TO CART button now to get yours and continue shopping for the other DVDs in the StreetRod 101 library to learn more!
SKU: SR101-2
Or, if you prefer, mail check payable to Street Rod 101 Inc. to:
Street Rod 101 Inc., 8412 N. Diamond Valley Dr., St. George, UT 84770
Please allow 5 business days after receipt for check clearance.
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video kinda jumps from subject to subject then comes back to the original subject. overall a very educational and informative video with alot of great tips. would recommend to anyone that wants to learn how to be more confident with working with fiberglass.
This video answered so many questions, that it alone was worth the price.
Great dvd with lots of helpful info. Worth the money if you have limited experience with glass.
Great DVD it answered all the questions that I had about fibreglass body modifications.
Great video for anyone new to fiberglass work. I bought the 3 video set and they are all great! If you’re interested in fiberglass work, this video is a must have.