Fiberglass Bodywork and Paint 2-DVD Set
4 hour instructional DVD set isn’t a video about how to set up a spray gun, run a compressor or mix paint. More importantly, it shows you how to eliminate the imperfections found in most fiberglass bodies so you’ll be able to save a fortune when it comes time to lay down your paint finish. Includes BONUS: How to Build a Metal Pickup Bed
The full description below details how comprehensive and informative this DVD is. Just click on the ADD TO CART button below to get yours.
And don’t forget to continue shopping for the other four DVD sets in the StreetRod 101 library to learn more and get even bigger discounts! SAVE BIGGER THE MORE YOU ORDER: 1 DVD Set $24.99; 2 DVD Sets $23.99 ea.; 3 DVD Sets $22.99 ea.; 4 DVD Sets $21.99 ea.; 5 DVD Sets – BIGGEST SAVINGS $19.99 ea. DISCOUNTS IN CART AT CHECKOUT
CANADA & MEXICO: Flat rates are $17 for one DVD and $23 for 2 to 5 DVDs. OTHER INTERNATIONAL: Flat rates are $23 for one DVD and $36 for 2 to 5 DVDs. Order more and save big on shipping! International shipping is First Class International postal service. Tracking only goes as far as the country of destination. We cannot guarantee international delivery.
We are very proud to introduce the third DVD set in the successful StreetRod 101 series featuring Bob Hamilton: Fiberglass Bodywork & Paint, Plus Chassis Prep with Bonus Metal Pickup Bed Fabrication.

This new 4-hour instructional DVD shows you how to eliminate the imperfections found in most fiberglass bodies. As everyone knows, it’s preparation that’s the key element in a great paint finish and that’s what Bob shows you how to do in this informative DVD.
This isn’t a video about how to set up a spray gun, run a compressor or mix paint. It’s about all the mission critical elements you want to take care of before it gets to that point. Plus, if you follow what Bob shows you how to do in this 2-DVD set you’ll be able to save a fortune when it comes time to lay down your paint finish.
As the name indicates, this new DVD also covers a wide range of important chassis prep things you’ll want to do from dressing welds to brake line pressure testing. And to top it all off, Bob has included an in-depth bonus feature that shows you how to fabricate a sheet metal pickup bed that not only looks terrific but is incredibly functional and designed for rugged use for many years to come.
Take a look at this extensive list of just what you’ll learn from this valuable DVD set and then check out how you can get your very own and save big, too.
- How to ensure fiberglass body left-behind mold release doesn’t mess up your paint finish
- How to prepare the body’s gelcoat so that it will work right with filler and paint
- How to use the cheapest flat black spray paint you can find to make sure your body panels are perfect
- The best sandpaper grades to use at different points in your body work
- Minimizing scratch marks and maximizing adhesion
- How you can have an “intelligent hand” to spot fiberglass bodywork imperfections
- Learn the right way to block sand to take out imperfections
- Identify high and low spots like an expert
- How to keep from adding too much body filler, when it’s not really needed
- Choosing the right sanding block for the job — and what not to use
- Airboard tricks
- Keeping body panel edges straight
- Using everyday items you find in the garage and home as special sanding aids
- How to avoid body waves in black and other dark color paint finishes
- Best grits of sandpaper to use for fiberglass versus metal
- Learn proper sureform/cheese grater techniques to save time and effort
- The importance of cleaning at each bodywork stage and how to do it correctly
- Personal protection tools and techniques — don’t inadvertently do yourself harm
- When and how to use high-fill primer
- Properly applying Bondo/body filler skin coats
- The right way to mix catalyst with body filler
- Easy ways to keep your body filler tools clean and reusable
- The importance of “visual deception” and how to use it to make things look great
- How to tell when body filler is “ready” to work to save unnecessary time and effort
- “Unplugging” your sanding tools to avoid using too much material
- When to use either a long or short sanding block or tool
- How to be aware of areas like windshield posts where you might encounter fit or interference problems as a result of paint finish build-up and how to prepare for that so that you don’t mess up the finish having to rework it
- Where to hand sand, rather than use a block
- How to hide headlight, taillight and other wiring in the frame rails
- How to use a readily available, cheap “snake” tool with the wiring
- Preparing frame rails and welds for paint with minimal body filler
- Using tinted primer and etching primer
- Use of glazing or spot putty and importance of priming and blocking to make invisible
- Why basecoat/clearcoat may be worth the price in terms of work required and finish quality
- Why you probably don’t want to use power sanding tools on the frame
- The wonders of PSA (pressure sensitive adhesive) sandpaper and its many innovative uses
- Practical cutting and buffing of frame paint finish
- A handy fixture you can build to better enable working with front and rear axles for finish preparation
- An innovative brake T-block mounting on rear axle for better appearance
- Easiest ways to clean up bracket welds on frame and suspension and proper tool choices
- Proper filing technique
- Spot-priming techniques to get in the hard-to-reach places, while saving primer
- Filling the “dimples” and seam on Ford 9″ rear end for better appearance
- Where you may want to finish grind a bracket before welding
- Understanding open-coat and closed-coat sandpaper
- Modifying body filler spreaders to apply filler to fillets
- Proper body filler mixing and what to avoid
- Finger-spreading body filler
- The right time to sand filler to avoid unnecessary extra work and time
- The right way to mask bolts so you don’t spend forever getting the tape off
- How to get clevises to fit properly after painting batwings and keep them from marring paint
- Make a simple “spring tree” to enable easy painting of spring leafs
- Masking tricks and tips for spindles and other suspension components
- Engine and transmission painting — how to keep your engine from being a “dust magnet” when you paint and how to properly mask
- Routing and pressure testing brake lines; choosing steel, chrome or stainless
- Chassis assembly tasks
- Mounting brake line through-frame fittings
- Preparation of painted brake and hard fuel lines
- Clever home-built polishing fixture to get a chrome-like finish on stainless steel tubing clamps
- Miscellaneous wiring tips
- Using guide pins to mount body on frame
BONUS: How to Build a Metal Pickup Bed
- How to cut sheet metal in a clean, straight line without the use of a metal shear
- Proper bead rolling techniques, for strength and beauty
- Forming pickup bed side panels, top rails and bottom support/attachment
- Where and why you don’t want to use a tape measure
- How to use a shrinker-stretcher tool to produce curved corners
- Stake pocket construction and braces to maintain a stable pickup bed
- Sheet metal welding tips
- Attaching tailgate, hinges and fabricating latch
- Fabricating removable side and rear pickup bed aprons/valence
- Frenched license plate/hidden receiver hitch
We’re excited to be able to offer this comprehensive information to the hot rod building world as the third installment in Bob Hamilton’s StreetRod 101 DVD series.
You get it all of this promptly delivered to your mailbox on a high quality, four hour DVD set that you will use regularly and treasure for a lifetime for only $24.99 plus $7 shipping and handling ($17 Canada and Mexico, $23 other international). Just click on the “Add to Cart” button below.
And while you’re at it, you can also add the other volumes in the StreetRod 101 DVD Library, too.
SAVE BIGGER THE MORE YOU ORDER: 1 DVD Set $24.99; 2 DVD Sets $23.99 ea.; 3 DVD Sets $22.99 ea.; 4 DVD Sets $21.99 ea.; 5 DVD Sets – BIGGEST SAVINGS $19.99 ea. DISCOUNTS IN CART AT CHECKOUT
Click on the ADD TO CART button now to get yours and continue shopping for the other DVDs in the StreetRod 101 library to learn more!
SKU: SR101-3
Or, if you pefer, mail check payable to Street Rod 101 Inc. to:
Street Rod 101 Inc., 8412 N. Diamond Valley Dr., St. George, UT 84770
Please allow 5 business days after receipt for check clearance.
4 reviews for Fiberglass Bodywork and Paint 2-DVD Set
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Like all the other videos in the set, well worth the price.
I have this DVD in my collection. I found it very informative and useful for when building my Hot Rod. Well worth the purchase price.
I was disappointed. The bodywork part was ok but there wasn’t any painting.
I found the DVD set to be very informative especially the added sheet metal bed construction. I’ve watched the set several times and each time I catch something I missed. Well pleased with my purchase.